The blackbear Recruiting Process — Everything You Need To Know

You’re thinking about applying for a job at blackbear? Awesome! In this blog post, we’ll go over each step of our recruiting process and what you can expect.

Tom Weber
Tom Weber
April 26th, 2023
The blackbear Recruiting Process — Everything You Need To Know


Hi there, 

You’re either thinking about applying for one of our open positions or are already a few steps into our hiring process? Amazing!

We’re super excited to get to know you better and grateful for your interest in our company and becoming part of the pack.

We know how stressful interview processes can be, so to make things as comfortable as possible, we want you to know what’s going and what you can expect at every step of the way — you’re putting time and effort into your application with us, so in return, you deserve full transparency! 

We have designed our hiring experience to strengthen our teams by identifying, evaluating and hiring the best talent for every single position. 

What does that mean concretely? This means that you, the candidate, will receive extensive insight into how we function as a company and how we work as a team. For us, it means we’re looking to get an in-depth understanding of you as a person, your capabilities and your potential, to see how you might fit in our team. 

Please be aware that our recruiting process can vary a bit depending on the specific role we’re hiring for. That being said, what follows is an overview of each step in the process, what you can expect and what you should pay attention to:

Recruiting at blackbear

Step 1: Your Application 

You can easily apply via our career page. Simply click on the button in the vacancy. Upload your CV and answer our questions. More information is always welcome so do not hesitate to give us as much information as you can (e.g. motivational statement, your LinkedIn account, GitHub, etc.). 

Once you’ve submitted your application it ends up in our Application Tracking System. We aim to get back to you within 2 to 5 working days (from our experience, we are usually way faster, so expect the unexpected). 

Step 2: People Team Interview 

Congratulations you’ve passed the application step. Our people team will reach out to you to schedule a video call. During this informal chat with the People Team, they will discuss your experience, motivation and personality. You get the chance to find out more about our culture and discuss your wishes and must-haves. 

Step 3: Hiring Manager Interview

Now it’s about time to meet the team!

This step mainly consists of an interview with the Hiring Manager. Here you exchange more concrete thoughts about the job including expectations, challenges and needs. We also ask you to share more about your experience and ambitions as to how you would fit in the specific role. 

Step 4: Technical Assessment 

Are you up for a little challenge to showcase your skills and potential? 

We like to keep things relevant and simple. Depending on the role we will give you some time to work on the assignment from home or we will inform you about an on-the-spot assignment during one of the interviews. Either way, we will be conscious of your time. 

Depending on the position and the assignment, you might also get the opportunity to meet the rest of the team, or we might ask you to present your results to them. 

Step 5: Founder Interview

As part of our recruiting process, you will also get the chance to meet one of our founders, Stefan and Joep. This interview will give you the opportunity to get answers to any remaining questions about blackbear, our culture and your future team from a founder's point of view. 

Step 6: Offer

We are almost there! 

You’ve successfully made it through several rounds of interviews and a technical assessment. Now we’re ready to make you an offer. 

We always make sure to take your needs and wishes into account and try to find an optimal way to fit those into our existing rewards and recognition structure. 

You can expect an offer letter from us within a few working days. After you’ve excepted our offer, we will create your blackbear employment agreement that you can sign digitally #paperless. 

Step 7: Hired

Welcome to blackbear — you’re now part of the pack!  

In the coming weeks, the People Team and your Hiring Manager will contact you to get you fully prepared for your new journey with blackbear. 

And that’s it.

Now you know what to expect when you hit that submission button for your application with us. 

One additional note: For some roles, a reference check is part of the process. If that is the case, we will inform you ahead of time to make sure you get enough time to reach out to people in your network. 

Also, if you’d like to have an informal brief chat before you apply, feel free to reach out to our Head of People and Culture Aniek

Liked what you’ve seen so far? Have a look at our open positions on our careers page to find out if we have a vacancy that suits your profile! 

We’re also always happy about unsolicited applications. 

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