Six Steps to Digital Transformation

In 2020, we can’t avoid the term ‘digital transformation’. This includes implementing digital tools and automating processes, but that is not all. In essence, digital transformation is a radical change in the way an organization uses technology to improve its business performance.

Joep Wittebrood
Joep Wittebrood
August 23rd, 2024
Six Steps to Digital Transformation


In the current situation, you certainly do not want to be digitally left behind as an organization. Customers are 24/7 connected and expect the same from the organization they do business with. In addition, everyone can be found online and making a comparison is just as quick as switching to another organization. Missing out on important market developments can cause you to lag behind. 

Digitally transforming your organization also brings other benefits. It can provide a better insight into customer’s behaviour, facilitate collaboration between departments, offer the opportunity to create new products and services and can provide a new level of transparency within your organization. 

Enough reasons to transform your organization digitally don’t you think? But where do you begin?

Step 2: Align transformation with business objectives

It is essential to make sure that the transformation is in line with the organization’s most important business objectives. Inform your employees why the transition to digital is the best strategy for the organization.

Step 3: run pilot test

With a digital transformation, things might change and can require some people to get used to. For example, it might involve a change in the existing processes, how you interact with customers or a shift in who takes which role. Find a way in which you can best guide the team through this transformation. 

Are you implementing new technologies? Be realistic and make sure everyone is aware of the digital transformation process.

Step 4: Follow the Build-Measure-Learn approach

Many companies invest in digital products or services that eventually do not provide any business value. You can prevent this by testing. In this way, you receive useful insights and avoid investing in unnecessary resources that may be expensive to develop. Moreover, this approach helps to connect innovation with the overall vision of the company.

Step 5: Control the risks

When implementing major changes within the organization, risk management and control is extremely important. This is a continuous process which should not be ignored.

Step 6: Prepare for a changing your company culture

Do not underestimate the importance of the cultural aspect of digital transformation. Create a culture within the organization that is open to experimentation and potential failure. If you don’t address the corporate culture, the transformation may fail.


The past few months it became clear that adjusting your business model is a must. Digitally transforming your organization within one day is not possible. Therefore, it has to be created and implemented in a structured way. Digital transformation enables your organization to become more agile and remain competitive in the new digital era. Does your organization have all it needs to undertake action now? We accelerate companies that want to stay ahead. Get in touch with our team right away.

Source: Pondres, Concise SoftwareSalesforce.