2023 Is the Year to Outsource: Why Businesses Need to Start Considering Outsourcing Now

2023 is right around the corner, and it’s time for business owners to start considering outsourcing as a part of their operations. Outsourcing has become increasingly popular in recent years, as businesses recognise its many benefits. From cost savings to quality assurance and improved efficiency, outsourcing can help your business not only survive, but thrive in 2023. Here are just a few reasons why your business needs to start considering outsourcing now.

Stefan Maritz
Stefan Maritz
August 23rd, 2024
2023 Is the Year to Outsource: Why Businesses Need to Start Considering Outsourcing Now


With the ever-changing business landscape, outsourcing has become a popular cost-saving measure for businesses of all sizes. According to Forbes, nearly 80% of companies are using some form of outsourcing to maximise their profits and increase efficiency. Further, it’s estimated that global spending on outsourced services will reach $6 trillion by 2023. This figure is staggering and shows just how much potential there is for businesses who choose to outsource aspects of their operations.

Outsourcing can provide businesses with numerous benefits including improved quality control, reduced overhead costs, access to specialized skill sets and expertise, increased flexibility and scalability in production capacity as well as improved customer service response times. Additionally, research from Forrester suggests that organizations who outsource spend an average of 28% less on operational costs than those who don’t.

The opportunities provided by outsourcing will only continue to grow in the coming years as more organizations recognise its advantages over traditional methods of operation. As such, now is the time for businesses to start considering how they can incorporate outsourcing into their strategies if they want to remain competitive in the future marketplace. It may seem like a daunting task but with careful planning and execution it could be the difference between success and failure for your organization moving forward into 2023 and beyond!

Access to global talent

The labour market is changing and the demand for certain skill sets is outstripping the available talent. Businesses are struggling to find suitable candidates with the necessary skills due to a lack of qualified people in the local job market and growing demand from accelerated support for startups. As a result, outsourcing has become an attractive option for many businesses looking to fill this gap.

Outsourcing can provide access to global talent pools, allowing businesses to draw on experienced professionals from around the world who may have more relevant expertise than those found locally. Furthermore, outsourcing provides cost-saving benefits that cannot be replicated through traditional hiring methods. By leveraging economies of scale, outsourced professionals can often do more work at a lower rate than their in-house counterparts, resulting in significant savings over time as well as improved output efficiency.

Finally, outsourcing can also help businesses stay ahead of changing trends and technologies since outside experts will often bring fresh insights into how best to approach tasks or use new tools and platforms that may not otherwise have been accessible without them.


Saving costs in the economic downturn

The recent economic downturn has taken a deep toll on businesses around the world. Companies have been forced to take drastic measures in order to survive, such as downsizing, reducing costs and eliminating non-essential services. Outsourcing is an effective strategy for businesses looking to reduce costs without sacrificing quality or efficiency.

Outsourcing involves subcontracting tasks and processes to third-party companies instead of hiring employees directly. It can provide cost savings in areas like payroll, IT support, marketing and customer service. By outsourcing certain business functions, companies can free up resources that can be used elsewhere in their operations. Additionally, outsourcing offers access to expertise and technology that may not be available within the organization’s own staff or budget constraints.

The long-term benefits of outsourcing have become increasingly attractive during this economic downturn as companies look for ways to save money while still delivering quality products and services. In 2023 it will become even more important for businesses of all sizes to consider outsourcing — there are simply too many advantages not to make it part of any comprehensive plan for growth and success during uncertain and trying times.

Outsourced workers typically work at lower costs than those employed by the company itself, providing a significant financial benefit right away — but that’s only one way that outsourcing can help a business save money during these difficult times. There are also numerous other cost savings associated with using outsourced labor — including shared infrastructure costs such as office space rental fees; reduced overhead associated with training new staff; increased flexibility when dealing with fluctuating workloads; increased scalability when growing or downscaling operations; improved customer satisfaction due to better service delivery from experienced professionals; decreased turnover rates due to access employee pool from multiple sources; reduced risk associated with tax implications related employee expenses; etc..

In short: 2023 is the year where businesses must start seriously considering what types of tasks they should outsource if they hope to keep their head above water in the current economic climate — especially since there are so many cost savings opportunities available through this route!

A new way of working - building a hybrid workforce

The world of work is changing rapidly and the demand for remote workers has never been higher. As more businesses embrace technology, they’re increasingly looking to outsource services that can be done remotely. As we see in the statistics — In 2023, outsourcing will become an even bigger part of doing business as companies look to build hybrid teams consisting of both in-house staff and remote workers.

The advantages of building a hybrid team culture are numerous: it can save money on overhead costs, increase productivity, provide access to a larger talent pool and allow for greater flexibility in terms of working hours and time zones. With the right strategy in place, this type of model allows companies to leverage the best practices from both traditional office cultures and remote working models.

It’s important to note that outsourcing isn’t just about finding cheaper labour or cutting corners; it’s also about gaining access to specialized skill sets that may not be available locally or cost-effectively within a company’s existing workforce. By taking advantage of new technologies such as cloud computing platforms and video conferencing tools, businesses can easily connect with global talent while still maintaining control over quality assurance standards.


Outsourcing can help businesses reduce costs, leverage expertise, free up time for employees, and focus on core competencies. At blackbear we understand that every business has unique needs when it comes to outsourcing and our experienced team of project consultants stands ready to help you determine what solution will be best for your business in 2023 and beyond.

Contact us today to get started with a hassle-free outsourcing journey!