
BLACKBEAR B.V. with Chamber of Commerce number (KvK-nummer) 72489669 (‘blackbear’), welcomes you to blackbear.global (‘blackbear.global’). By using our website and/or platform you agree with this disclaimer. blackbear can always change the content of the website and/or platform and this disclaimer without informing you.

The content of our website and/or platform has been carefully compiled by us, but you use our website and/or platform at your own risk. blackbear will make every effort to keep the content of the website and/or platform as correct as possible, but we do not guarantee that our website and/or platform will always be correct or complete. Information, including our range of services, may include errors or may be out of date.

blackbear is not liable for damages or other adverse consequences resulting from the use or inaccessibility of (information on) our website and/or platform. Acts you perform on the basis of our website and/or platform or the information provided by us, are for your own account and risk. On the basis of those errors or outdated information, no agreement between blackbear and you can be concluded.

blackbear does not control the content that users of the website and/or platform place on our website and/or platform, but blackbear can modify this user content. If you have a complaint, please let us know. Send your complaint about the content to support@blackbear.global.

You may use our website and/or platform, but you cannot claim our Intellectual Property Rights or those of our licensors and those of the users of our website and/or platform. blackbear reserves all rights with respect to (the content of) the website and/or platform. Permission to use content from our website and/or platform in publicly accessible places can always be requested via support@blackbear.global.

If, in the opinion of blackbear, you violate the terms and conditions applicable to this website and/or platform or otherwise act unlawfully towards blackbear and/or third parties, blackbear reserves the right to, without any further notice, deny you further access to the private part of the website, being the platform.