Your Epic Content Marketing Guide to Social Media

72.8% of internet users use social media to research brands. Boost brand awareness, drive conversions, and expand your reach through the power of social media content marketing.

Robynn Farrell
Robynn Farrell
September 19th, 2023
Your Epic Content Marketing Guide to Social Media

Mastering the art of social media content marketing is no longer optional. It's a necessity for brands aiming to thrive in a crowded online space. 

According to Search Engine Journal, there are approximately 4.9 billion social media users globally, with a 3.2% increase year-over-year. That's an incredible 410,000 new social media users daily, or 4.7 users every second.

On average, social media users spend around 2 hours and 24 minutes daily on various platforms. And, with 72.8% of internet users using social media to research brands and a $2.80 return on investment (ROI) on every dollar spent, it's no surprise that social ad spending is expected to reach $207.10 billion by the end of 2023. 

But before we delve into how you can leverage social media's reach to boost your brand's digital presence, let's look at what we'll cover in this epic content marketing guide to social media.

From understanding the core principles to crafting compelling content and strategising distribution to fostering engagement and adapting to trends, we'll equip you with knowledge on:

  • How To Leverage Social Media to Grow Your Brand
  • Planning and Implementing an Effective Social Media Strategy
  • Tools and Resources to Get You Started

So, without further ado, let's dive in!

How To Harness the Power of Social Media Content Marketing

The relationship between content marketing and social media is symbiotic: content marketing provides the substance, while social media acts as the megaphone. By sharing valuable, relevant content on these platforms, brands can engage their audience, spark discussions, and amplify their message. 

Here are five ways brands have been leveraging the power of social media to achieve remarkable success in brand awareness, customer engagement, and conversions:

  • Define your brand personas — use social media analytics to learn about your audience's buyer personas on various platforms to better market to their needs and drive conversions.
  • Promote content to diverse audiences — use paid advertising, like Meta ads (previously Facebook ads), to promote your product or services to a wider audience and potentially identify new leads.
  • Nurture engagement and leads — social media platforms allow you to reach and engage your target audience on a global scale, regardless of time zone distribution. It also provides an opportunity to guide potential customers from the stage of awareness to the purchasing stage in the buyer's journey.
  • Additional customer support — handling queries and customer complaints via social media platforms is convenient for customers and shows you value their feedback.
  • Humanise your brand — use social posts, like behind-the-scenes content, to showcase your brand's personality in an authentic way and help attract new customers.

How To Plan and Implement an Effective Social Media Strategy

1. Set Clear Objectives

Whether it's boosting brand awareness, generating leads, or increasing customer engagement, well-defined objectives provide a roadmap for your content creation and distribution efforts. 

However, It's not just about having goals; it's about making them SMART—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This precision helps you measure progress, evaluate what's working, and adjust your strategy accordingly. 

Clear objectives not only keep your team aligned but also provide a clear benchmark for success, making it easier to demonstrate the return on investment (ROI) of your epic content marketing initiatives.

2. Know Your Audience

It's not enough to produce high-quality content; it must resonate with the people you're trying to reach. 

To truly understand your audience, you need to dig deep, employing tools and methods that reveal their preferences, pain points, and behaviors. This knowledge empowers you to craft content that speaks directly to their needs, aspirations, and challenges. 

By creating content that resonates on a personal level, you can establish a meaningful connection, build trust, and drive engagement with your ideal audience.

3. Content Creation and Curation

While creating original, compelling content showcases your brand's unique voice and expertise, the key is finding the right balance. Original content demonstrates your authority in the field, while curated content reinforces your commitment to providing the best resources available. 

Create a content plan that encompasses various content types, such as articles, and visual content creation, such as images, videos, infographics, and more. Ensure that your content is not only relevant but also valuable to your audience. 

4. Choose the Best Platforms

Not all social media platforms are created equal, and each has its unique user demographics and features. To make the most of your social media efforts, carefully select the platforms that align with your target audience and business objectives. 

Below are the top social media platforms to consider:

  • Meta (previously Facebook) — 1.9 billion active users daily. Ideal for B2C brands looking for a platform for advertising, brand awareness, and building community.
  • TikTok — 1 billion monthly users worldwide. Ideal for B2B and B2C brands looking to build brand awareness through short-form videos and user-generated content.
  • Instagram — 1 billion monthly users worldwide. Ideal for B2C brands looking to advertise through visual content creation like high-quality images, videos, and user-generated content.
  • X (previously Twitter) — 211 million daily active users. Ideal for B2B and B2C brands looking for a platform to build community, improve customer service, and nurture public relations.
  • LinkedIn — 774 million active users globally. Ideal for B2B brands looking for a platform for social selling and business development.
  • YouTube — 315 million active daily users. Ideal for B2B and B2C brands looking for a platform for long-form video content, SEO, brand awareness, and advertising.
  • Pinterest — 444 million active monthly users. Ideal for B2C brands looking for a platform for inspiration or visual advertising.

5. Content Distribution on Social Media

Each social platform has its unique audience and characteristics, so it's vital to tailor your approach accordingly. 

Consistency is key; creating a content calendar and scheduling posts ensures a steady stream of content for your audience. While organic reach is essential, paid promotion can significantly expand your content's visibility. 

The art lies in striking a balance between organic and paid efforts. By mastering the art of content distribution on social media, you can amplify your message, engage your audience, and drive meaningful results for your brand.

6. Engagement and Community Building

Beyond simply posting content, it's about actively connecting with your target audience. Responding to comments, inquiries, messages, and user-generated content demonstrates your brand's authenticity and commitment. Encourage discussions by asking questions and running polls.

Fostering a sense of community around your brand involves creating a space where your audience feels heard and valued. This not only encourages brand loyalty but also turns satisfied customers into passionate advocates. 

7. Analysing and Iterating

Regularly monitor your performance on social media using analytics tools provided by the platforms or third-party applications. These insights reveal what's effective and what isn't.

Here are some key social media metrics to track:

  • Engagement rates — clicks, replies, comments, likes, shares
  • Reach — number of users that have viewed your posts or platform
  • Followers — number of users that are following your profile
  • Impressions — number of times your post has been viewed
  • Profile visits — number of users who have viewed your profile
  • Mentions — number of times users have mentioned your brand in their posts
  • Reposts/Shares — content is reposted on their profile/a user shares your content on their profile
  • Tags — a user adds your company profile or hashtag to a post
  • Click-through rates — the ratio of people seeing your ad or product and clicking it
  • Conversion rates — the percentage of users who have completed an action or goal

Successful social media content marketing isn't about sticking to a rigid plan; it's about adapting and evolving based on data-driven decisions. By consistently analysing your results and making necessary adjustments, you can fine-tune your strategy for maximum impact.

8. Staying Current With Trends

Being aware of the latest trends and emerging technologies allows you to adapt your social media strategy accordingly. It's not about blindly following fads but rather discerning which trends align with your brand and audience. By doing so, you can create content that resonates, keeps your brand fresh, and ensures you're always one step ahead in engaging your audience effectively.

Tools and Resources

Having the right social media tools and resources at your disposal streamlines your efforts and enhances the effectiveness of your epic content marketing strategy. These tools encompass a wide spectrum, from content creation and management to analytics and social media scheduling. 

Below are 15 social media tools to help get you started:

  • Hootsuite — schedule and optimise posts, community management
  • Sprout Social — marketing and management
  • Hubspot — manage, monitor, and schedule posts
  • Brandwatch — discovering trends, measuring brand sentiment and engagement
  • Netbase — analytics, social listening features
  • Insense — creator management (influencer marketing)
  • Upfluence — influencer platform, networking
  • Shopview — sell products on social media, manage orders
  • Linktree — promote multiple pages and products from one central hub
  • — create custom pages for Instagram and TikTok
  • — customise and shorten links
  • Canva — visual content creation
  • Unsplash — free stock images
  • Pexels — free stock images
  • Airtable — create and share databases and spreadsheets


In wrapping up our epic content marketing guide to social media, from understanding the fundamentals to mastering the nuances of content creation, distribution, and engagement, we've covered it all. 

Remember, it's not just about creating content; it's about creating content that resonates and builds genuine connections. By setting clear objectives, knowing your audience, and staying attuned to trends, you're poised for success. Armed with the right tools and a commitment to analysis and adaptation, your content marketing endeavors are primed for remarkable impact. 

Need help curating your social media presence? Take our free demo to see if outsourcing is the best solution for your social media content marketing and management needs.

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