Our Blueprint for Success — The blackbear Vision, Mission and Core Values

As we look back on 5 years of blackbear growth and transformation, we reflect on some of the core elements that have shaped our journey so far: our vision, our mission, and our core values. In this blog post, we'll delve into these core principles to share where we’re coming from, how we work and where we’re heading.

Joep Wittebrood
Joep Wittebrood
October 23rd, 2023
Our Blueprint for Success — The blackbear Vision, Mission and Core Values

2023 is a special year for us — in September, we celebrated our 5-year anniversary! 

Back in 2018, we started blackbear with a bold vision: to revolutionise the way work gets done, without limitations. We wanted to help companies overcome capacity gaps and become more ambitious while liberating modern professionals from outdated work practices. To bring this vision to life, we created the blackbear ecosystem, which now connects leading businesses with a network of 10,000 skilled professionals, enabling seamless collaboration and productivity.

As we look back on these last 5 years, it’s clear that we’ve come a long way. However, our journey wouldn’t have been possible without our organisational ethos — our vision, mission and core values. Everything we’ve achieved has been a direct reflection of these principles. They guide us on how we work collaboratively with our colleagues, our customers, and our communities — serving as a constant reminder of what truly matters to our business and the people we are dedicated to serving. 

Even though these principles have been part of us through the way we work and behave, and evolved with us over the years, they were never set in stone. However this year, marking 5 years of blackbear’s existence, we deemed it fitting to write them down. This makes our vision, mission and core values our guiding stars as we move forward — they will continue to illuminate our path, ensuring that we stay true to our purpose and keep making a positive difference in the world.

What are they and why are they important? 

Before we deep dive into our very own Vision, Mission and Core Values, let’s first break these principles down to have a better understanding of what they are and why it’s so essential for any business to establish these:

What's a vision?

A clear and inspiring vision serves as a future state that a business aims to achieve. It outlines what an organisation aspires to be, often communicating its broader purpose and goals. Having a compelling vision helps stakeholders, both internal and external, understand where the organisation is headed, creating a clear sense of purpose.

What's a mission?

A mission statement outlines what an organisation does, who it serves, and how it adds value to its customers and community. Having a well-crafted mission statement helps organisations remain focused on their core activities and maximise impact on their target audience. 

What are core values?

Core Values represent the principles and beliefs that guide the behaviour and culture of an organisation. They serve as the compass that guides the brand story, actions, behaviours and decision-making process. When values are upheld consistently, they create a shared culture, fostering trust among employees and a sense of belonging.

Our Vision

Unlocking human potential by transforming how work gets done.

Our vision is the driving force behind everything we do, propelling us forward. It serves as our guiding star for the next 10-15 years and forms the foundation for all strategic decisions we make about product direction & service delivery. It’s a picture of what success looks like, not only for us but also for the partners we collaborate with and the communities we touch. 

As blackbear, we are revolutionising the way work gets done — without limitations. 

By fostering an open and connected way of working, we reshape how organisations achieve their goals and drive robust sustainable growth. This is our motivation, inspiring us to create groundbreaking solutions. The idea that our solution will empower millions of people and truly change the world is what fuels our passion.

Our Mission

We enable organisations and professionals to work together seamlessly in a collaborative ecosystem.

Our mission is the practical roadmap that outlines the ‘how’ and ‘what’ behind everything we do. It serves as the blueprint for turning our vision into a tangible reality.  

Our mission extends beyond reinventing outsourcing to solve capacity gaps; we aim to help companies become more ambitious while liberating modern professionals from outdated work practices. Through our collaborative ecosystem, we enable seamless collaboration between organisations and skilled professionals, regardless of location or job requirements.

By providing unrestricted access to a diverse range of skills and expertise, we enable companies to achieve operational excellence, success, and sustainable growth. 

By connecting working professionals with inspiring projects, we break free from outdated practices and open doors to limitless learning — blackbear Solvers gain financial freedom, a sense of belonging, and the ability to make a meaningful impact. 

Our Core Values

Our core values serve as the compass that keeps us on the right path. They shape our culture, inform our decisions, and determine how we treat one another, our customers, and our environment. 

Foster Collaboration

At blackbear we’re all about teamwork. We unite diverse perspectives and expertise to create innovative solutions for complex challenges. Our goal? To drive meaningful impact, growth, and opportunity for our employees, customers, and Solvers.

Strive for Excellence

With an unyielding commitment to excellence, we strive to constantly raise the bar, push boundaries and exceed expectations. Our focus on quality, ambition, adaptability, and growth ensures that our employees, customers, and Solvers achieve outstanding outcomes and unlock their full potential.

Embrace Ownership

At blackbear, we wholeheartedly embrace ownership, and it's this commitment that fills our culture with accountability, unwavering dedication, and determination. We believe that ownership empowers us all — our employees, customers, and Solvers alike — to take the lead, drive outcomes, and pour our best efforts into achieving our common goals. 

No Place for Bullsh*t

At blackbear, we're all about keeping it real, thanks to our 'no bullshit' mindset. This mindset creates an environment where transparent and open communication thrives. We don't beat around the bush – we prefer to shoot it straight, with no sugarcoating involved. And you know what? It's the key to fostering trust, deep understanding, and seamless collaboration among our employees, customers, and Solvers.

Fun to Work With

By fully embracing the value of being fun to work with, we build an environment that's both engaging and enjoyable. However, this value goes beyond just having a good time; it's also about creating a positive work atmosphere that fuels collaboration and sparks creativity. The result? A boost in overall satisfaction and productivity throughout our ecosystem, fostering a sense of belonging and strengthening teamwork.

Wrapping it up

There you have it — the blackbear mission, vision and core values. In one way or another, they have shaped our journey and have guided our actions over the past years. Writing them down and making them a formal part of our organisation has been a fitting celebration of 5 years of our existence and ensures that we’re well-equipped to head into the next 5 and beyond. 

By fostering an open and connected way of working, we reshape how organisations achieve their goals and drive robust sustainable growth. This is our motivation, inspiring us to create groundbreaking solutions. 

The idea that our solution will empower millions of people and truly change the world is what fuels our passion.

We’re blackbear — we unlock human potential by transforming how work gets done.

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