AI vs Human-Generated Content: Is Content Marketing Still Worth It?

Explore the surge of AI in content creation, the enduring significance of human-generated content, and ultimately, whether the two can coexist harmoniously.

Robynn Farrell
Robynn Farrell
October 17th, 2023
AI vs Human-Generated Content: Is Content Marketing Still Worth It?

As technology constantly redefines the way we communicate, the clash between artificial intelligence (AI) and human creativity is more pronounced than ever. When it comes to AI vs human-generated content, both have pros and cons regarding efficiency, quality, cost, and online discoverability. With that, content marketing stands at a crossroads. 

As AI content creation continues its ascent and businesses scramble to keep up, the pivotal question on every marketer's mind remains: Is content marketing still worth the investment?

In this article, we'll explore the surge of AI in content creation, the enduring significance of human generated content, and ultimately, whether the two can coexist harmoniously.

The Role of Content in Modern Marketing

High-quality content serves as the linchpin that holds together an effective modern marketing strategy. 

Quality content, however, isn't just about churning out words; it's about delivering value, relevance, and authenticity to your audience. It's the cornerstone on which trust is built and is what separates your brand from the digital noise. 

Moreover, content marketing has emerged as a potent tool for brand amplification. Through compelling storytelling, informative articles, and engaging multimedia, brands can forge deep connections with their target audience. It's the art of speaking directly to your customers on an emotional level, addressing their pain points, and offering solutions in a voice they understand and trust. 

Content and search engine optimisation (SEO) also share a unique, symbiotic relationship

Search engines thrive on fresh, relevant content, and in turn, effective SEO practices ensure your content reaches the right eyes. A good SEO content marketing strategy isn’t merely about incorporating keywords but about crafting content that aligns seamlessly with the intent of your audience

This dynamic duo works hand-in-hand, propelling your brand to the forefront of digital visibility and, ultimately, into the hearts and minds of your customers. 

So, in an age where information is just a click away, the role of content is not just significant – it's indispensable in driving marketing success.

AI in Content Creation

AI has undeniably carved a prominent niche for itself in content creation. At its core, AI-powered content creation tools are revolutionising how we produce written material. 

AI content generation tools encompass a wide array of applications, from chatbots that can engage customers in natural language conversations to algorithms that churn out articles and reports with remarkable efficiency.

Advantages and Disadvantages of AI

The advantages of AI-generated content are indeed striking. Firstly, it offers unparalleled efficiency and scalability. AI can produce content at an astonishing rate, eliminating the bottleneck of manual writing and freeing up valuable time and resources. Secondly, AI thrives on data-driven insights. It can analyse vast datasets to tailor content precisely to the preferences and behaviors of target audiences.

However, AI-generated content isn't without its challenges. Critics argue that it often lacks the human touch – creativity and authenticity. While AI can generate coherent text, it often falls short in terms of the nuanced, emotionally resonant storytelling that humans excel at. 

Moreover, ethical concerns and plagiarism risks have left some apprehensive about whether or not to incorporate AI in their content marketing strategy. For those embracing this technological advancement, ensuring AI generated content doesn't inadvertently cross ethical boundaries or reproduce copyrighted material demands careful oversight.

So, now that we’ve delved into the advantages and disadvantages of AI let’s take a closer look at some of the pros and cons of human-curated content.

Human-Generated Content: The Art of Storytelling

While AI may excel at generating data-driven text, it's the human touch that brings stories to life. It's not just about conveying information; it's about connecting on a deeper level and creating an experience that lingers long after the words have been read. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Human-generated Content

Human-created content has the power to engage audiences emotionally, transcending mere facts and figures. A well-crafted story can inspire, entertain, and even drive action, making it an indispensable tool for building brand loyalty and customer engagement.

Moreover, human generated content promotes trust and authenticity. Audiences crave genuine connections and are more likely to connect with and trust content created by fellow humans. The authenticity of human experiences and perspectives resonates in a way that automated content simply cannot replicate. 

It's through the nuances of human expression and the authenticity, transparency, and sincerity of personal stories that trust is built, relationships are formed, and brands are elevated beyond mere transactions.

AI vs Human-Generated Content: A Comparative Analysis

In the ongoing debate on human vs AI content, a thorough comparative analysis is essential to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. 

Quality Assessment

AI-generated content, while efficient, often lacks the finesse and human touch that readers crave. Evaluating readability and coherence reveals that while AI can produce data-driven reports, summaries and technically sound content, it may miss the mark in capturing the nuanced flow and emotional resonance that human-curated content effortlessly delivers. 

Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines emphasise expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, and, more recently, experience, as quality content indicators. Although AI can draw on content expertise online it cannot verify facts or the authority or experience of the resources and authors it relies on. Even Google sees the value in the human touch, weighing heavily on the expertise of human search raters to evaluate the quality of web content.

SEO Performance

While AI can optimise content for search engines with precision, human-generated content often excels in delivering the kind of user engagement that search engines value

When it comes to deciding whether AI or human content is more engaging, this is where human-created content shines. Engaging narratives, authentic voices, and emotional depth are elements that AI struggles to replicate. 

Anyone who’s experimented with AI content can attest that AI-generated content creation tools aren’t 100% accurate when answering user intent, a prominent search ranking factor. This is where humans triumph in the AI vs human war of words. 

It’s important to note, however, that Google does not penalise AI generated content; instead, it rewards helpful content. Although Google does not technically view engagement as a significant ranking factor (John Mueller, Google’s Search Advocate), it is a significant “positive reputation indicator” noted in the search quality evaluator guidelines. As mentioned earlier, quality content leads to higher levels of reader interaction, ultimately boosting SEO.


At first glance, AI may appear as a cost-efficient solution. AI offers undeniable efficiency and scalability, making it a compelling option for organisations seeking to churn out content at scale. However, delving deeper into human vs AI content creation calculations reveals a more complex picture. 

While AI can reduce immediate costs, human-generated content often boasts enduring value and long-term return on investment (ROI). Customers tend to trust and connect more profoundly with human-created content over time, leading to sustained loyalty and advocacy. This depth of creativity and authenticity can lead to sustained audience engagement and customer retention, resulting in a more substantial ROI.

In this comparative analysis, it becomes evident that the optimal choice between AI or human content creation often lies in a strategic blend of both. The challenge, however, lies in striking a delicate balance between the two, harnessing AI for efficiency, data-driven insights, and scalability while preserving the irreplaceable human touch for storytelling and authentic engagement. Ultimately, it's the synergy of these elements that holds the key to content marketing success. 

A Balancing Act: The Future of Content Marketing

The future of modern marketing is poised for an exhilarating evolution. Predictions point to AI becoming even more sophisticated, augmenting content creation with remarkable efficiency and precision. However, this evolution of AI content generation does not diminish the role of human content creators. 

In fact, content creators are evolving into curators and editors, guiding AI generated content to ensure it resonates authentically with the audience. To stay competitive, marketers must adopt agile content marketing strategies that embrace both AI and human creativity, while also prioritising audience engagement, personalisation, and ethical considerations. 

The future of content marketing promises to be an exciting blend of technology and human ingenuity, where the fusion of these elements will continue to drive brand success in the digital age.


So, can machines truly replace the ingenuity and authenticity of human generated content? As it stands, no. It's clear that the future belongs to those who master the art of this balancing act, harnessing the power of both AI and the human mind to craft content that truly stands out. 

At blackbear, we believe in finding the solution that best suits your individual business needs. Enjoy our free demo to uncover how we harness the power of automation as well as the ingenuity and experience of global marketing minds to curate campaigns that drive success.

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